GMU tailgating




We had a great time at George Mason University Saturday.  Thanks to those friends and brothers who showed up despite the cold weather.

December stated communication

UPDATE: Tonight’s meeting has been canceled. It has been tentatively scheduled for the 21st.

Date:  Thursday, 16 December 2010.
Time:  7:00 p.m.
Place:  The Mason Inn at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA (same building as Nov mtg)
The Lodge will begin labor at 7:00pm; go to refreshment for dinner; reconvene after dinner to finish business and close.

Dinner will be $30 and for that the Mason Inn will also provide us with a secure meeting room.
RSVP’s are essential as the Lodge has to order and partially pay for the meals several days prior to the meeting.  So please let the WM or Secretary know that you are coming.  Prepayment is strongly encouraged as the Lodge must make a substantial pre-payment a week before the meeting.
Checks should be made payable to The Patriot Lodge, AF&AM & sent to:
The Patriot Lodge, AF&AM
PO Box 101764
Arlington, VA
Menu is still to be determined….it will be forwarded as soon as it is available.
Hope to see you there,
Bob White, PM
Patriot Lodge, U.D.