The Patriot Lodge wishes a happy birthday to the Marine Corps and an honorable Veterans Day to all those who served. Â Thank you all for your service.
The Patriot Lodge’s First Ever Stated Communication
We also have a guest speaker - Paul Evancoe. He will speak on what Masonry means to him and the Scottish Rite in particular.  His bio follows:
Paul Evancoe is a retired, career Navy SEAL with significant combat experience. Following his military career, he continued government service as the Director for Special Operations in the Office of the Coordinator for Counter-terrorism at the U.S. Department of State. Paul next took a position with the National Nuclear Security Administration where he later headed the Office of Emergency Response which had responsibility for world-wide nuclear and radiological accident and incident response. After 37 total years of government service he became the Vice President for Military Operations at Fabrique Nationale d’HerstalUSA. Paul is the founder and president of International Security Strategies and Operations, Inc. ISSO specializes in emergency management, risk assessment, vulnerability assessment and facility hardening.
Paul’s significant military service awards include the Joint Meritorious Service Medal, Bronze Star with “V” for valor, Purple Heart, Meritorious Service Medal (3 awards), Cross of Gallantry with gold star for heroism, Navy Commendation Medal with “V” for valor, Navy Combat Action Ribbon (3 awards), Navy Achievement Medal (4 awards), along with 12 other lesser medals and ribbons. Paul holds a BS in Industrial Technology and advanced degrees and certifications in Human Resource Development, Political Military Strategic Planning and Weapon Systems Engineering.
Paul is the author of numerous feature articles in various national and foreign journals and magazines. He regularly is quoted as a counterterrorism, weapons and non-lethal disabling technology expert in various newspapers and magazines. In addition, Paul has written numerous security-related policy and procedural documents for both government and commercial customers. “Own the Night” is Paul’s first novel.
Photos from Saturday’s ceremony
See the slideshow below, or go to Bro. Baumbach’s Picasaweb site for more details. More media is forthcoming.
We are now Under Dispensation!
Prior to our ceremony this upcoming Saturday, we have received the official letter from the Grand Secretary that allows us to operate under dispensation! Â See the full text of the dispensation here.
The Patriot Lodge recognized by Wor. Hodapp
Worshipful Brother Chris Hodapp gave us an honorable mention on his Freemasons for Dummies blog. Â His website is one of the most up to date sources for global Masonic news. Â You can find the entire article here.
Ceremony of establishing a Lodge under dispensation
WHAT: Grand Lodge Dispensation Ceremony and Dinner for The Patriot Lodge at George Mason University. Formal attire is a must for participating Officers. Tuxedos are recommended for others in attendance but dark suit could suffice.
WHEN: Saturday, October 23, 2010. The ceremony will be held from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Dinner will be from 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
WHERE: Mason Hall, Edwin Meese Conference Room, GMU, Fairfax, VA. A map can be found at: Please park at the Mason Pond Parking Deck (No. 40 on map) and walk over to Mason Hall (No. 33).
Note: Several other activities are occurring on campus that night so the prudent traveler will arrive early to avoid the crowds and traffic congestion. Carpooling is highly recommended.
Attendance at the ceremony and dinner is limited by the size of the room to 96 participants. We therefore need to take reservations to ensure sufficient seating and to understand how many dinners to prepare.
It is essential that you RSVP to the Secretary Designate’s e-mail address below by 2 Oct if you plan on attending the ceremony and/or having dinner. We will have a catered dinner after the ceremony which will cost approximately $35.00 – the fee will be collected at our registration table inside Mason Hall.
ACCOMMODATIONS: We encourage all out of town guests (and others so disposed) to stay at the Mason Inn on GMU’s campus. This is No. 34 on the GMU map and just a short walk to Mason Hall. All Mason Inn guests enjoy free parking at the hotel. We have arranged for a block of rooms (cost $89) which you may reserve using the following link:
The cut-off date to make room reservations is October 1, 2010.
Hotel Address is: 4352 Mason Pond Drive ~ Fairfax, Virginia 22030
***Remember, the ceremony and dinner are at Mason Hall, overnight accommodations are at The Mason Inn. Thank you for your cooperation.
Robert White, PM
Secretary Designate
The History of the University Lodge
The September-October issue of the Scottish Rite Journal has an excellent piece on the history of University Lodges. Â Our George Mason University academic lodge also receives a very honorable mention! Â I highly recommend this article for anyone who wishes to learn more about how academic lodges differ from their traditional counterparts.
“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants.” -Sir Isaac Newton